Posted at 20:01h
by admin
Summerhill is a 50 unit affordable family apartment community that is located on two non-contiguous sites. The architectural design is reminiscent of the 1920’s Los Angeles courtyard designs with units surrounding a common center court with exterior balcony/walkways connecting the units at the upper level....
Posted at 19:56h
by admin
This three story 156 unit luxury apartment project lies on the outskirts of Tracy California and pays tribute to the City’s historical background as a railroad center serving the Bay area. The project achieves a density of 24 units per acre on 6.52 acres of...
Posted at 19:52h
by admin
Villa Sorrento is a three story Seniors community, with elevator, consisting of 35 units on approximately 1.44 acres, achieving a density of 24.31 units per acre with a parking ratio of 1.25 stalls per unit....
Posted at 19:39h
by admin
Located at 98th and MacArthur Avenues, MacArthur Apartments is a 32 unit two story family apartment community constructed over a podium structure that encompasses 90% of the property. A retail component and community center have been provided along MacArthur Blvd....
Posted at 18:25h
by admin
Hacienda Heights is a 68 unit two story garden style apartment complex on approximately 5.5 acres, with a density of 12.5 units per acre. The Clubhouse was designed as the focal point of the project and features a two story community center with a computer...
Posted at 18:19h
by admin
Sycamore Station is located on Main Street across from the City’s Transit station. This TOD project consists of 82 units arranged in three separate buildings of three and four stories in height. The building facing Main Street provides for a retail component to facilitate pedestrian...
Posted at 17:53h
by admin
Villa Escondido is located on Grand Avenue in Downtown Escondido and consists of 112 units of three stories of seniors units with 5 different floor plans, studios and one bedroom units. The site area was limited at 1.36 acres with a density of 86 units...
Posted at 23:40h
by admin
1010 Pacific, located in downtown Santa Cruz is a 6 story Type I cast concrete structure over a subterranean parking garage, and sits on 7/10th of an acre. The project consists of 113 units for a density of 160 units per acre and features a...